Visit to jimmychangas.com
Select "Join Waitlist"
Add your information to form
Click "Join Wait"
Arrive at restaurant
Check-in with host stand to let us know you are here!
- Please note, we do not call parties until they have checked in at the host stand to avoid holding tables for parties that have not arrived.
- Max 6-10 guests to join online waitlist {varies by location}
- The online waitlist is a great tool to help our guests plan their visit and minimize wait times for their party at the restaurant.
If you are planning to visit, join the waitlist about an hour prior to your dining time — this is not a guarantee of being sat immediately, but a good rule of thumb to minimize your wait. Nights and weekends tend to have higher wait times and you may want to join 2 hours in advance.
Joining the waitlist is not a reservation; you may have a wait when you arrive depending on where you are in line and store volume for that day.